Book Some Time With Your Kids

Posted Apr 10, 2016

  April 10 – 16 is National Library Week, a perfect time for a reminder to “Book Some Time With Your Kids.” In our fast –paced, high-tech world, we often overlook the importance of simple everyday activities like reading together.

   We want to showcase families who do make “booking time” a priority. From April 10 through May 7 (Children’s Book Week), send us a photo of you reading to or with your kids/grandkids. It may show you cuddled up with your little ones or reading side-by-side with your almost teenager. Pictures will be displayed in the library and on our Facebook page and website. Every family who shares their picture-perfect reading moments will be entered in a prize drawing. Thanks to the Friends of the Library, some will win gift cards for area bookstores.

  Why all the hype for an “old-school” activity? Isn’t there an app for that? Short Answer –NO!  Multiple studies have shown the link between reading to children daily and their success in school. One study found that picture books have about 70% more unique words than day-to-day conversations directed at kids, making picture books ideal vocabulary builders. Reading with children supports their intellectual, emotional, and social development.

  While there are many activities that help young children learn, reading together still packs the biggest punch. Books are “superfood” for your children’s brain development. They provide all six essential early literacy skills in a single serving.  For older kids, reading together can serve as discussions starters and strengthen critical thinking skills. Reading together also strengthens bonds between adults and their children. It’s a time of physical closeness and undivided attention.

  Despite all of the evidence that “booking time” with kids is beneficial, less than half of 3 – 5 year olds are read to daily. The numbers are even lower for younger and older children.  There are some indicators that time spent reading with children continues to decrease. That is why we are encouraging everyone to “Book Some Time With Your Kids.” Then capture your joy of reading in a photo and share the joy with us.

    Check out some of the library other National Library Week activities on our Events Calendar.

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