Spread the Word

Posted Apr 25, 2014

Has your child just read a book they loved? Do you have some favorite family read alouds? Don’t keep it a secret. We will help you spread the word. Kids can now submit book reviews on our website. It’s easy. All they have to do is fill out the form, tell us what they liked about the book or why other kids would like it, and click submit.  If your young critic is too young to type, feel free to help.  Just make sure the words and ideas expressed are direct quotes.  We will feature some of their favorite picks in special blog posts. We will only post first names and first letters of last names.

A children’s book isn’t successful unless kids want to read it – no matter what the professional critics think.  When it comes to choosing books, the opinions of teachers, parents, and librarians take a back seat to the opinions of friends. Kids often come to the library looking for a book that other people in their class are reading or a friend said was exciting, or funny, or scary.  Kids know what they like to read. We want to know too. So, encourage your young readers to share their “good reads” with us.

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