Never Go Bookless with Booklists

Posted Mar 27, 2014

Whether you're preparing for a vacation, getting back into reading after a hiatus (hey, we've all taken them), or a voracious booknut looking for your next fix, may we recommend our curated collection of booklists?

Booklists are just what they sound like - lists of books! Booklists help you find a needle in a haystack: a great book from the thousands out there. We might pull a list of books together because they're part of a sub-genre that can be hard to look for (say, women sleuths), or part of a big genre (say, fantasy) that might be hard to narrow down. All the books represented in our booklists are highly recommended as being both representative of their genre, subject or type and as being excellent reads. You pretty much can't go wrong.

Back in the early part of the millennium, we printed our booklists on paper for you to use while browsing the shelves. Now, they live on our website and we think they're still pretty easy to use. (Note: We will be adding printable PDF lists as we continue to build our new website.) We've got lots of booklists, and we're always adding more lists as new ideas come to us or are suggested to us by what you ask for.

Who are the "we" behind these things anyway? Well, the booklists you'll find on the main section of the website are curated by librarians Adam, Nancy, and Emily, and clerks Nathan and Kate. We've got wildly different interests, so we work on genres and areas that we know about. Adam works on non-fiction. Nancy & Emily put together mystery and general fiction lists. Kate and Nathan are our resident fantasy and sci-fi buffs so that's their purview. We also have lists for teens and                .

With booklists that link right to CountyCat, there's almost no reason to go bookless!

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