Child/Student Guidelines

Kids of all ages are welcome at the Library. To make the library a safe and enjoyable place for everyone, there are some rules to follow.

  • Use friendly inside voices – No shouting, loud talking, singing, swearing, or using inappropriate language.
  • Move carefully and quietly – Walk - No running, climbing, jumping, throwing things or wheeling (skateboards, scooters, rollerblades, etc..)
  • Keep clear paths – Don’t block aisles, entrances, or staircases.
  • Respect others – No fighting, pushing, or physically aggressive behavior.
  • Respect privacy – Don’t take photos or video without permission.
  • Respect the space – Don’t hurt library materials or property. Eat snacks in the lobby.
  • Clean up your space – Put books, markers, games, etc. back where they belong. Put any scraps in recycling or garbage.
  • For your ears only – Use earbuds, headphones, etc. when listening to videos, music, books or phone calls.
  • Be responsible for your own things – Anything left alone may be put in the lost & found.

If you break a rule, a librarian will remind you about the rule. If you continue to break library rules, we may ask you for your parent’s name and phone number and parents may be contacted. You may also be told to leave the library for the day.