Gift and Donations Policy

Gifts and donations from community members enhance library services and support our mission to welcome all people to learn, connect, and explore, and help us serve our community with resources for lifelong learning and engagement.  

All gifts are tax-deductible.  For artwork, rarities, or other materials of value, a gift donation form may be requested and kept on file. 

The Library reserves the right of ultimate disposition of any donation and it is with this understanding that it is accepted.

All gifts will be promptly acknowledged. The Library will utilize or invest gifts and donations promptly.

Donations of Books and Media

The Library accepts new and lightly used books and media. Donated materials may be added to the collection, returned to the donor, given to other organizations, primarily the Friends of the Shorewood Public Library, sold, or recycled.

Donated materials that are added to the collection will meet the criteria outlined in the Selection Policy and are handled as all other materials in the collection.

A receipt for donation of materials will be provided upon request. The Library does not place a financial value on materials received.

Monetary and Other Donations

Gifts of money, real property, securities, personal property, art, antiques or other valuables may be accepted and approved by the Library Board. The Library will not accept any items which are not outright gifts.

Monetary gifts shall be made by check to the Shorewood Public Library. Monetary gifts over $500 require acceptance by the Library Board, which will determine the most appropriate use of the gift in consultation with the donor.    

Adopted by Library Board: February 1, 1993

Revised: November 11, 2020

Download the Gift and Donations Policy