Material Reconsideration Procedure

Material Reconsideration Procedure

In accordance with the Selection Policy, all requests for reconsideration of an item in the Shorewood Public Library collection must be received following this procedure.

  1. Requestor will fill out a Material Reconsideration Request form and return it to the library in person, via mail, or via email addressed to the Library Director. Mail to 3920 N. Murray Ave., Shorewood, WI 53211. Email to
  2. Upon receipt of the request, and during the entire reconsideration process, the material in question will remain on the shelves.
  3. Within 30 days of receiving the Material Reconsideration Request, the selecting librarian, another librarian not responsible for selection of the item in question, and the Library Director will review the request and come to a consensus.
  4. Within 10 days of making their decision, the Library Director will respond to the requestor via written letter (emailed or mailed), courtesy-copied to the president of the Library Board of Trustees.
  5. The requestor may appeal the decision of the library staff by taking the written request in person to a regularly-scheduled meeting of the Library Board of Trustees. Requestor must contact the Library Board President directly or via the Library Director at least one week in advance of the meeting to indicate intent to appear.
  6. If the requestor chooses to appeal in front of the Library Board, the final decision about the item will be made by a quorum of the Library Board of Trustees within 60 days of hearing the appeal. In making their decision, the trustees will consider the Material Reconsideration request, the library's Selection Policy, and the response of the library staff.

Material Reconsideration Procedure and Request Form