Self-Care for Parents

Posted Oct 30, 2021

Parenting is often labeled “the hardest job in the world.” The challenges of the Co-Vid 19 pandemic have sent that difficulty rating soaring to off the chart levels. Navigating the twists and turns of virtual learning, in-person education, and job responsibilities while trying to care for children’s physical, emotional and mental health has been daunting. It is not surprising that most parents have experienced periods of feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.

While most parents have managed to do an admirable job of caring for their children, they aren’t nearly as dedicated to caring for themselves. They may believe they don’t have the time or feel selfish if they ever put their own needs first. Self-care isn’t a priority for many parents. That is a mistake.

Self-care isn’t self-indulgence. Taking care of your own emotional needs allows you to have more energy, patience and compassion to share with your family. It also serves as a model for your children on the importance of caring for emotional and mental health as well as physical health.

It can be hard to change that mind-set and grant yourself permission to take care of you. Experts offer these tips to get started on the self-care/wellness path.

  • Be Your Own Best Friend – If you are struggling with the concept of self-care, ask yourself what encouragement you would offer to a friend in a similar situation. What would you do for a friend in need of TLC? Do it for yourself.
  • Take care of your physical health. When we are emotionally stressed we often neglect our physical well-being. Make sure you are getting proper sleep, exercise, and eating healthy foods.
  • Know that it is okay to spend time away from your children. It’s a good way for them to exercise independence and develop relationships with others.
  • Find a few moments every day to check in with yourself and engage in something calming – deep breathing, a soothing cup of tea, listening to music, etc.
  • If you are finding it hard to make time for yourself, schedule it. Make sure “Me Time” is on every week’s To Do list. Use that time to do things you enjoy or something you’ve always wanted to try.
  • Reconnect or stay connected with friends and family either in-person or virtually.
  • Disconnect from electronics for a time.
  • Count your blessings. Gratitude practices can ease stress and increase contentment.
  • Ditch perfectionism and self-criticism. No one is perfect. Your life doesn’t need to measure up to anyone else’s standards.
  • Ask for help when you need it.

For more ideas on how to take care of you


PBS – Self-Care For Parents

Importance of Self-Care

How to Practice Self-Care As A Busy Parent

Self-Care Tips for Single Parents

Why Self-Care Is Essential To Parenting

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